The heart has gone
In a wopsy rhythm
For love
Follows no algorithm,
A little more,
Let's swoon, and swoon,
Let's not smell the coffee
All too soon.
The heart has gone
In a wopsy rhythm
For love
Follows no algorithm,
A little more,
Let's swoon, and swoon,
Let's not smell the coffee
All too soon.
Dear planets
Of this cosmic world,
Align yourself well,
Rise and fall in such a way
That lovers' love may swell.
And hold an unfailing promise
-Endearing and sublime-
That roses will smell sweeter,
On this Day of Valentine.
I saw this headlines in a media online edition. I wondered if writer meant 'a few' as opposed to 'few'. When, I read the article, I was more inclined to think that the writer meant 'a few' and not 'few'.
We received this beautiful message in a Group from a senior today:
Jan is going past -
And fast,
But it doesn't matter:
We've bread with butter,
The mind without clutter,
Have opened -
All windows and shutter,
God, our only creditor,
And, we are together.
How would you like
Love distributed?
Should quanta of love
Bunch up in few,
And leave huge gaps
All over?
Or, would you rather
It is evenly distributed,
In this beautiful world
All over?
How will a lover show his
Undying love?
His love indistinguishable
From another?
Heat death of the Universe
Will happen in Googol years,
When heat equalises
All over.
Would you like similar
Death of Love
When Love equalises
All over?
*heat death: The "heat death" of the universe refers to a state of maximum entropy where all energy is uniformly distributed, and no further work or processes can occur.
**Googol : 10100