The heart has gone
In a wopsy rhythm
For love
Follows no algorithm,
A little more,
Let's swoon, and swoon,
Let's not smell the coffee
All too soon.
The heart has gone
In a wopsy rhythm
For love
Follows no algorithm,
A little more,
Let's swoon, and swoon,
Let's not smell the coffee
All too soon.
Dear planets
Of this cosmic world,
Align yourself well,
Rise and fall in such a way
That lovers' love may swell.
And hold an unfailing promise
-Endearing and sublime-
That roses will smell sweeter,
On this Day of Valentine.
I saw this headlines in a media online edition. I wondered if writer meant 'a few' as opposed to 'few'. When, I read the article, I was more inclined to think that the writer meant 'a few' and not 'few'.
We received this beautiful message in a Group from a senior today: