29 October 2021

Infantry Day: One Perspective

 The below article is written by my coursemate, Colonel Shri Kumar, SM** of the MADRAS Regt. Col Shri is one of the finest officer that I have had the privilege to meet. The below article has been reproduced here with his permission.

Infantry Day was organised on 27 Oct . I deliberately haven't used the term  celebrated , as I personally feel that allocating "A Day" and organising a lunch thrown in with a ceremonial parade  without invitations is not the way to honour the bravest of the Braves. 

Infantry men ( officers n men ) are the most commonly available cannon fodder and they will obey the orders without questioning "Why ?".  It's time that Infantry is given its place not only while  in service but out of service too . 

I personally believe that we should change the famous saying by Field Marshal Wavell that - "   The Infantryman stood silent with victory at his feet "  To.  -- "  The Infantryman roared with his full might sending down shivers down the enemy's throat thus  claiming outright victory " 

A logo should be instituted for the  Infantryman to wear on his chest till his last breath. 

Victory to The Infantry.

Jai Hind

1 comment:

col@28 said...

Thank you Ashish , n am equally honoured to be your friend

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