Friends: Have you ever thought about the need of capital letters in the English language? Indian languages do not have such a concept. Do we really need capital letters in the English language?
Imagine if I had written the above lines as below:
friends: have you ever thought about the need of captial letters in the english language? indian languages do not have such a concept. do we really need capital letters in the english language?
Would you have any difficulty in understanding these lines? another way to say this is, 'would you have any difficulty in understanding these lines?'
i think not.
we are unnecessarily burdening ourselves with learning needless 26 letters.
in fact, i once had thought that the capital letters could be used thus:
we separate each word with capital letters, resulting in massive saving of printing as well as digital space. in java language, name of functions are often written in a similar way. we could, of course, refine this way of writing by inserting punctuation marks and space after sentences.
WeCouldOfCourseRefineThisWayOfWritingByInsertingPunctuationMarksAndSpaceAfterSentences. WhatDoYouThink?
what do you think?
I think Capital Letters are a Must in the English Language
Yes! Never thought of this. Maybe, we can have advantages with modifications. Also, spelling words just as the way they are pronounced (phonetics= fonetics?)
hi ashok:
i wrote about this here:
Also, both uppercase letters and lowercase letters are pronounced in exactly the same manner.
Capital letters are absent in Indian languages with no loss of clarity.
A very valid observation Ashish
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