31 December 2024

Adding cubes and cubes of one to nine


Adding cubes and cubes

Of one to nine,

God made an expansive square

Of fortified, forty-five,

That you have a happy space

In the year, twenty, twenty-five.


13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 + 73 + 83 + 93 = 452

452 = 2025

A magical 2025 to you and all at home.

28 December 2024

The year just leapt away


Not because they are leap years,

Some years just leap away,

'Tis because the year that passes

Drenches in love, every day.

In more ways than one,

'Twas a leap year, for some,

The year added one more day,

Yet the year, just leapt away.

26 December 2024

Redundancy of English letter 'x'


In continuation with an earlier post:


, I continue regarding redundancy of some English letters.

I want to talk a bit about the English letter 'x'.

When a word starts with the letter 'x', it invariably has the sound of 'z': xylophone, xenophobia, etc. Except in the case where 'x' is hyphenated with another word, the sound is always of 'z': x-ray, x-rated, etc. Even in the case of names of people, or companies, we pronounce it with 'z': Xi Jin, Xiaomi, etc. (I have always wondered why Chinese names starting with the 'z' sound are spelled with 'X'.)

Now, the sound of x is 'eks', right? Listen to the sound of  'x' here:


So, we can easily substitute 'x' with 'eks' in words that have 'x' embedded inside: compleks for complex; eksellent for excellent, eksuberant for exuberant, etc. We can have many such eksamples...oops, examples.

So, why have the letter 'x' at all? Just have 25 letters in the English language? a, b, c, d.....w, y, z. 

Of course, the letter 'x' has intensive use in Mathematics and a lot of Mathematics would have to be changed if we dropped the letter 'x'. But, we can keep 'x' specifically for Mathematics like (for example) we have the symbol for "for all" as ∀ in Mathematics. And, much in the same way for use of 'x' in Roman numerals, as in, X, XI, XII, etc.

Your thoughts?

25 December 2024

Santa comes once a year


If your socks have a tear,

Mend it well

Before hanging up there,

And if it's your only pair,

Knot your pants' ends,

And hang up there,

For love slips out

From holes and tears,

And Santa comes only

Once a year.

20 December 2024

Worlds off a factory line


Every night we create worlds

In our dreams,

Knowing well that dreams

Will die most times young,

Other times we carry them

Into the day,

Into our worlds,

And find that the worlds

We created,

Are all the same,

As if, off a factory line.

17 December 2024

Get up from the grime


All times are good times

To bloom,

It's never too late,

Never too soon.

We'll take our time

To get up from the grime.

15 December 2024

An angel is playing the truant


Kiss me once before I die,

And do remember that redolent high,

Ere I give up the ghost,

Feel the tremble in my being's host.

Later, when a familiar scent

Wafts up your air benign,

And a familiar tremble comes to haunt,

An angel is surely playing the truant.

13 December 2024

Friday, the 13th, is truly blessed.


It's day of miracles:

The sun went up from the East,

Birds chirped and went free,

Got my hot cup of tea,

The car started

And did not demur,

The boss had taken the day off,

India is Chess World Champion,

Friday, the 13th, is truly blessed.

12 December 2024

Earth is still a heart


In the beginning 
there was only a tiny heart,
Till God said, 'let there be light!'
And the heart started melting,
Some parts of the heart froze again,
And became land,
Rest became oceans,
The earth therefore,
Is still a heart:
Some parts melted;
Some parts still frozen.

11 December 2024

Yearning place between love and pain


When tomorrow comes, it will come,

You can't rush it;

Yesterday has gone, but isn't yet buried,

You can't hush it;

If today is long, let it be long,

Do not crush it;

For, there is a space between,

Loss and gain,

For, there is a yearning place between,

Love and pain.

05 December 2024

Blues of the sky


Why is the sky blue

During day,

And black

In the night?

Because it cannot

Hide its pain

During day,

As it does, in the night.

03 December 2024

Smugly or precariously?


Wisdom perched precariously?


Wisdom sitting smugly?

02 December 2024

Went harm's way


Harm beckoned me on her way,

Indeed,  I went harm's way,

Wittingly went heart's way,

Wittingly went love's way.

23 November 2024

Who might dare to cross the sands


The lone tree
Pushes up through the sand,
Battered and bruised
After a sandstorm,
But still promises shade
To those who might dare
To cross the sands.

21 November 2024

Moon has some edges


The moon has some edges,

And the moonlight is

Foggy tonight,

The heart has some scratches,

And love is

Soggy tonight.

19 November 2024

How to feel tall


I received this morning cheer:

I asked a monk how to feel tall.

He just smiled and bowed.

Now, there are monks and monks. Some are new, and some are old. This one must have been old. Only an Old Monk can induce such a spirit of humility.

If you know what I mean:

16 November 2024

Commonplace in National Capital Region (NCR)


A friend sent me this beautiful picture yesterday. It was a photo of the mysterious mist engulfing them, as he and his batchmates from Medical College, made their way to Kodaikanal, a beautiful hill station in Tamilnadu, India. They were onwards to their Batch Reunion.

I reflected that save for the undulating terrain, this scene was commonplace in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India nowadays - both by day and by night.

13 November 2024

Your love is too much to bear


I will go

And never return,

If you make me cry,

With all your love.

I will go

And never return,

Your love is just

Too much to bear.

12 November 2024

AI definition of a veteran


I received this beautiful quote from a friend:

I wondered if it wasn't a AI definition of a veteran, specially the last part that maps exactly with Sparsh, the pension disbursing system for Indian veterans.

Veer Bhadra Mandir, Lepakshi, India


Vignettes of Veer Bhadra Mandir, Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh, India

360 Degree View from the inside of the Mandir

Mural on the ceiling

Floating Pillar 

Carving on a Pillar

11 November 2024

Waiting for Shri Ram


A sculptor's depiction of Jatayu at Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh, India. On this holy land, it is said that Jatayu fell from the sky after fighting with Ravan.

05 November 2024



Someone sent this prophetic message:

America is in Labour. In 24 hours we will know if it's a boy or girl.

I said, 'Amen to that, with the caveat that it could be an 'Other' too.'

By the way: UK has been in Labour for some months now, and will remain so for many months.

03 November 2024

Best wishes on Bhai Dhooj


Away brothers miss their sisters a lot. And those brothers who don't have sisters miss them even more.

02 November 2024

Blaming the weather for not worsening the weather


Late last month the 'environmentalists' were insinuating that the air quality in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India would go horrendously bad post Diwali, the festival where folks burst crackers and light lamps to welcome Bhagwan Ram.

Western media were the cheerleaders for these environmentalists, as I posted earlier:


As it turned out the air quality of the NCR did not go down. In fact, it was the best (post Diwali) since 2015.

The 'environmentalists' are hapless. They are now blaming weather for not worsening the weather (read, air quality). Read here about that.


How woke is that? 

31 October 2024

Hold a candle to the sun


Hold a candle

to the sun,

Light a million lamps:

One in each alley,

One in each galley,

One in each bunker,

One in each trench,

One in each cockpit,

One in each hangar,

One in each langar,

One on each sangarh,

One at each nala track junction,

One on each lone tree hill,

Then fire a red over red*

Into the night,

And turn the night into day.

red over red*: A type of illuminating round fired from a signal pistol, fired after winning a battle.

28 October 2024

Ahead of Halloween or ahead of Diwali?


The vilification of our festival Diwali has already started in the Western Media:


The media outlet could have easily said 'ahead of Halloween'

Do the blind dream?


Someone sent me this wonderful quote of Kabir.
I was reminded of a question that a friend asked me sometime back, 'Do the blind dream? What do they see?'

26 October 2024

'Dog' biscuits


Someone forwarded this video. Was supposed to be a Marketing lesson, and how projection of  words are pivotal in marketing.
It is curious, however, when I thought about 'Dog' biscuits. In the mid seventies and a little after, I was in the National Defence Academy, or, NDA. At reveille, we cadets, would rush to the Tearoom, for our morning mug of tea. Alongside, we were given two biscuits, which were strangely called 'Dog' biscuits. I don't know the history behind that name but we didn't mind the name for we cadets were forever famished and just gobbled them up without much ado.
But the story goes just a little further...
We have, what we call Quarterly Messing Meetings in the Forces where the folks dining in a particular Mess would voice their opinion about the standard of messing in that Mess. In NDA, of course, no such formal meeting was held with respect to the messing in the  Cadets' Mess. But, once in a while the Cadet Sergeant Major (CSM) - he was of the senior most term - would take a muster of all cadets before we marched for dinner and ask our opinion about the standard of messing in the Cadets' Mess. I remember, in my third term, in one such muster I mumbled under breath, 'Sir, the biscuits in the morning are fine, but can we at least change the name of the biscuits from 'Dog biscuits' to something else?' 
Immediately, late Vivek Chopra, my coursemate, shushed me and said, 'Shut up you idiot, unless you want to roll in the ground floor corridor throughout the night.'
And, I did shut up.
I don't know what those biscuits are called now. Anyone?

25 October 2024

Thakur versus Tagore


What is written in Bangla: Pukure Konorup Thakur Pheliben Na.
This translates into English as: Do not throw any kind of thakur (idol) into the pond.

Rabindranath's surname in Bangla is Thakur, and in English is Tagore. And therefore Thakur and Tagore can be used interchangeably. Therefore the English warning as part of the bilingual warning at the edge of the pond.


23 October 2024

Keep me in your eyes


On days like this, or, forever,

Keep me in your eyes,

And keep your eyes closed shut,

Let the flare pass,

Let the eclipse pass,

Only open your eyes then,

Keep me bathed in love, my friend,

Keep me in your eyes,

But be mindful and wary though,

Unwitting tears escape,

Even when eyes are closed,

And unwittingly, I might too.

22 October 2024

Stones don't melt easy


Only two thirds the earth

Is full of ocean,

Yet your heart is full of love,

Where will then

The rest of the heart dissolve?

For the land is full of stones,

That don't melt easy

That the rest of the heart

May dissolve.

17 October 2024

The pH scale of Truth and Lie


Some government spokespersons have started using the word, 'malinformation'. Thus, the pH scale of 'Truth' and 'Lie' so far:

Truth > information > disinformation > misinformation > malinformation > misspoke > Lie

Also, the pH scale of 'aware' and 'unaware' so far:

aware > hardware > software > malware > unaware

16 October 2024

Sparklers in the sky


He made sparklers

With the stars,

And wrote her name

In the sky,

By twirling the stars around.

It's a shame though

That the clouds covered

The sparklers in the sky,

And her name was gone.

And then came the deluge,

I know not,

Off the skies,

Or, off her eyes.

13 October 2024

Not all evil has gone


Not all evil has gone, O Ram,

Not all evil has gone.

Evil hasn't extinguished itself:

It made one go with blood in her eyes,

Others may go just by fasting,

Least help them break their Fast, O Ram,

Give them a break, My Lord.

Kill the Evil with your little finger,

And give the Evil pause.

You know all too well, O Lord,

Not all evil has gone.

11 October 2024

There has been a sky quake


There are wrinkles in the sky,

Wrinkles that are hard

For God to iron out,

And, the sky is smooth no more.

Not everyone gets the same sky,

Some get a warped sky,

Some a sky too blue.

Some get a sky too high,

Some a sky too low.

Some say, there's been a sky quake,

Still, not too late for me to wake.

08 October 2024

In how many ways can unsuspecting people die?


Five killed, scores injured. This wasn't a stampede in a religious congregation event. This wasn't a creaking railway footbridge that gave way. This wasn't a stampede due to change of platform in a railway station that awaited an arriving train. These were spectators watching an air show put up by the Indian Air Force. No, there wasn't a mishap or a crash of any of the airplanes doing display. These were enthusiastic folks trying to exit after catching a glimpse of the aerobatics over a Chennai beach. 

This wasn't even a stampede as we know a stampede. Folks died due to dehydration and heat, as per reports. In how many ways can unsuspecting people die?

06 October 2024

Some truths that politicians say


Aphorisms of Alfred E Neuman of the Mad comic strip are legion. Some of them are given below: 

 "Medical insurance is what allows people to be ill at ease!"

"How come stealing from one book is plagiarism, but stealing from many is research?"

"Who says nothing is impossible? Some people do it every day!"

"America is still a land of promise, especially during a political campaign."

"Most people are too lazy to open the door when opportunity knocks!"

"Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for and politicians find out what people will fall for."

"These days, the only time politicians tell the truth is when they call each other a liar."

The last of the quoted aphorisms - These days, the only time politicians tell the truth is when they call each other a liar - may not be entirely true.

I'll stick out my neck and say, the other times when politicians are telling the truth is when they say, 'I'm a liar'. If such an utterance were not true, then politicians would be truthful all the time.

05 October 2024

Some remained in the Light


The other night,

The new moon blocked the sun,

And created an eclipse,

And, it changed many fortunes.

A little nothing changed fortunes,

A shadow threw a shadow -

Some came under the umbra,

Some under the penumbra,

Some remained in the Light.

27 September 2024

The Paper Trail


I found this video in the Internet. Watch this video:

In my view, one reason why the aspect ratio (the width to height ratio) of the standard paper sizes remain same even after halving the longer side is due to the following:

The seemingly strange ratio of length to breadth is because the ratio remains the same when the longer side is folded by half. So, if the ratio is 1:√2, with the longer side being √2, when we fold the longer side by half we have a new ratio of 1:(√2/2). This is the same as  1:(1/√2). This is again the same as √2:1.

We know that the ratio does not change if we multiply both sides of the ratio with the same number. For example, if we have a ratio of 2:3, the ratio remains same when we multiply both sides of the ratio by the same number 2 (say). So, the new ratio 4:6 is the same as 2:3. So, if we multiply, 1:(1/√2) by √2 on both sides of the ratio, we get,  √2:(1/√2)x√2, or, √2:1. So, the ratio keeps oscillating between 1:√2 and √2:1, as we keep folding the paper on the longer side by half. So, when we start with 1 square metre of paper for A0, we need a ratio of length to breadth of √2:1, in such a way that the product of length into breadth is 1 square metre. So we have, 1189mm x 841mm = 9,99,949 square mm, or approximately 1 square metre. And the ratio of 1189:841 is 1.41..., and therefore approximately, √2. 

Because we started with 1 square metre for A0, A4  has seemingly strange dimensions.

Lonely as a forward post


Lonely as a shipwreck,

Lonely as a heart break,

Lonely as a buried time capsule,

Lonely as a forward post.

21 September 2024

This city is besotted

Love is in the air,

And it is contagious,

This city is besotted. 

19 September 2024

Data in the Cloud


Data in the Cloud:

What is written in Hindi in the image means: Have submitted everything to you to keep. Now, it is up to you.

14 September 2024

A time will come soon


A time will come soon

When I'll walk up 

The steps of the fluffy clouds

And fly off to the stars,

A time will come soon

When I'll do a pull up

On a flying carpet,

And fly off to the stars.

And leave this turning world behind.

13 September 2024

Let's wait till spring to die


Let's wait till spring to die,

It's too early to die in autumn,

Let's fight the cold of winter

With fire - and so live on,

And, when we're totally emaciated

when spring arrives, let's die,

That others bloom in spring again.

09 September 2024

His identical twin


What does the sparrow see

In the rearview mirror?

Is it the life he lived so far?

Or is it his identical twin?

07 September 2024

Breath of you


I found the roof of the sky,

I found the ocean floor,

And in all the spaces in between,

I found a breath of you.

05 September 2024

Honour our Teachers because: विद्यां ददाति विनयं


Just as Mr is for Mister,

And Dr is for Doctor,

Let's have,

Tr for our teachers.

29 August 2024

No jokers in our deal


These cards that God dealt

Seem of winter.

But aren't we still in autumn yet?

Players do heed the sign of times:

There are no Aces in our deal,

There are no jokers in our deal,

That we might kill the mighty

In the deck.

PS: The context is that the 52 cards in a deck supposedly represent the 52 weeks of a year. And, 13 cards in a hand, represent a season. Joker in a hand can take the place of any card in a hand as per convenience of the hand owner.

23 August 2024

Moral hazard


A friend sent this photo of a newspaper cutting and  added a hope that may this insurance cover be implemented quickly.
This cover reminds me of the neologism, 'intaxication'. This new word refers to your sense of high when you get a refund from tax authorities, till it sinks into you that the money was yours in the first place.
In this insurance cover proposal, you are being asked to pay a premium on the money that is yours in the first place. So essentially you are rewarding the bank with a premium amount for the bank's own delinquency. It is the bank which should be covering itself with an insurance so that it is able to pay out its customers in the case where it goes kaput. 

Do you find the title of this post curious? I do too. The post twice mentions, 'moral hazard'. What is 'moral hazard'? Can morality ever be a hazard? It sounds like how some folks call lying as 'misspoke'. 

Ran out of breath


He held his breath

When he saw the stars,

And he held his breath,

When his saw the moon,

And he held his breath,

When he saw her come,

Till he ran out of breath.

22 August 2024

Sixty two parts in a thousand


They weigh all things with money.

(No wonder, the units

of money and weight

are the same.)

Yet, even a five Pound coin,

Weighs merely sixty two parts

In a thousand,

Of a pound weight.

18 August 2024

Six by six to dream


Don't need my glasses

When I sleep.

My eyes are six by six

To dream.

14 August 2024

Teachers and vectors

I opened a book the other day, and I found this preamble: 

There are some folks yet out there who value teachers.
Not all vectors carry germs.

13 August 2024

Non-persistence of Vision


Like a still frame

From a movie:

Where a bullet

Is stopped inches

From its target,

Where raindrops

Are caught in the air,

Where lovers are stopped

Only a feet away

From embrace,

Belief has been suspended.

Gyanis say:

This is artificial intelligence,

Others say:

This is non-persistence

Of Vision.

*gyanis: the learned

04 August 2024

Lonely songs


Lonely songs

Of the mist

Over hills and vales,

Lonely songs

Of the tryst

Of lovers and friends,

Lonely songs

Of the whist,

At the waiting harbour;

Then the ache rises,

And the voice quivers,

And the singer chokes.

01 August 2024

Crack in the earth


There was a crack in the sky,

The zone was the 'O' Zone,

It was then,

Filled up with smoke.

There was a crack in the earth,

The zone was God's country,

It was filled up with mudslide,

'Twas earth's heart stroke.

30 July 2024

Time traveller had many choices


The Time traveller

Had many choices,

But she wanted to know

How it all started,

Or, how it will ever end.

Was the heart there

In the beginning?

And, will there still

Be a treacherous bend,

After it all ends?

25 July 2024

What else is new?


Me:What else is new?


Me:Is the plural of new,


AI: No, new is adjective,

News is noun.

Me: What will be the news


AI: I wish I knew.

23 July 2024

The echo slowly dies


The echo slowly dies,
Answer it before it dies.
Some heart is searching you,
Someone is calling you.

16 July 2024

The storm never ends

The storm never ends,

When one ebbs

Another brews:

Sometimes of rain,

Sometimes of sand,

Sometimes of snow,

Sometimes of dust,

And, sometimes of tears. 

12 July 2024

Life is an exclamation mark


Someone wrote to me thus:

Life is a question, and how we live it, is our answer.

There is a truism, however:

Most times life is an exclamation mark, and on such times, we need no answer.

11 July 2024

That was enough


He remembers nothing

Save that he was alive,

But, was that enough?

He remembers nothing

Save that he loved,

And, that was enough.

08 July 2024

When I am the lighthouse


When I am the lighthouse
At the edge of the cliff,
When I await you
To wash ashore,
Impervious to the Flood
That will surely come,
Unmindful of the Apocalypse
That will surely come,
That's when
You and I will be free.

07 July 2024

Love and fresh air


She was living happily

On love and fresh air,

Till they pumped in oxygen.

And, then she died.

03 July 2024

Tree tops


What the tree tops talk about,

Do the tree trunks know?

What burden the incarcerated roots bear,

Do the tree tops know?

29 June 2024

Source of Beas


Inside this igloo shaped structure is the source of River Beas. This structure is just at the Rohtang Pass.

Inside the igloo shaped structure: one can almost hear River Beas gurgling out.
I did not know that Beas Nadi is named after Rishi Vyas. Here, at the source of the river, it is said that he wrote the Vedas.

27 June 2024

Atal Tunnel


Crossing the Atal Tunnel near Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh.

16 June 2024

Let a leaf go


Today, in the breeze,

The trees nodded in agreement,

To let a leaf go,

The leaf shivered and fell.

12 June 2024

Fiery and icy end


 A man whose name itself was Frost,

Surprisingly said the earth would end

When paying a fiery global warming cost

As an afterthought he said, however,

If it were to die again, thereafter,

In frigid, icy water, all will be lost.

'Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.'

-Robert Frost

10 June 2024

When the cut is only one


Those that had their heart cut open

Say that the old adage

Works for the heart too:

A stitch in time saves nine.

Sow love in your heart

When the cut is only one,

Sew your heart

When the cut is only one,

For, as the old song goes:

The first cut is the deepest.

08 June 2024

God's shade is not enough


Sometimes I yearn the shade,
Sometimes I yearn the sun,
Sometimes I feel
God's shade is not enough,
That is the time, sages say,
'You are in the shade.'

04 June 2024

सुन चम्पा, सुन तारा


सुन चम्पा, सुन तारा,

कोई फीका, कोई गाड़ा,

कोई मीठा, कोई खारा,

कोई जीता, कोई हारा |

29 May 2024

Soul on her sleeve


They met after many lifetimes,

But he knew her immediately.

As always,

(What is Always,

What is Time?)

She wore her soul

On her sleeve,

A shining soul,

On a worn-out sleeve.

This will be the last

Of their meetings here,

For she will be One 

With the Soul after this,

And, he will join much later There.

26 May 2024

Sorrow of the Deep


What does the dew drop hold?

That it becomes the Quencher

Of the body

When it sits on the grass?

That it becomes the Beauty

Of the garden

When it sits on petals and leaves?

That it becomes the Sorrow

Of the Deep

When it sits on the corner

Of the eyes?

22 May 2024

F‏irst Qualifier IPL team at a disadvantage to get the purple and orange caps?


If there are any contenders for purple or orange cap in the IPL First Qualifier team, both are at a disadvantage to get each's coveted cap. 


Could this be the answer?

The purple cap goes to the bowler with the most wickets. The orange cap goes to the batter with the most runs. The First Qualifier plays one game less than other qualifying teams. And, therefore, the bowlers and batters of the First Qualifiers won't be able to improve their scores. It is as if they are being punished for doing well. 

17 May 2024

Results in Kelvin

Just after the 12th results of CBSE came out, someone sent this message:

Very true, I reflected. In a few years it would be in Kelvin: 273, 274, 300, and sometimes -273(in negative marking).




I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Was I hallucinating? The answer to my query was seemingly outrageous. 'There was a good chance that I would become as rich as Bill Gates'. Was I hallucinating?

No, I wasn't. It turns out that not only natural intelligence can hallucinate, even artificial intelligence can hallucinate. Wow! When AI throws back garbage as an answer to a query that is a bit outlandish, Artificial Intelligence is said to be hallucinating.

15 May 2024

Love, you are a raconteur


In the chatter of the sky,

I hear your name so often,

In the matter of the heart,

I hear your name so often.

What are you save an abstract noun?

But what have you abstracted?

Love, you are a raconteur,

No whispers of heart redacted.

09 May 2024

OMG Branch


In a certain Headquarters of a certain Army, the brass plate outside the Quarter Master General Branch had these letters:


One fine day, the tail of the 'Q' come off: whether wittingly or unwittingly, I don't know. And now the letters read:


Since then the Branch is known as Oh My God branch.

05 May 2024

Minute hand chases the hour hand


Why does the minute hand

Chase the hour hand,

And having overtaken,

Starts all over again?

Not convinced of its win,

It tries again and again,

And a lifetime passes,

And an eon passes.

03 May 2024

Nothing is permanent

 A dear friend sent this lovely message:

Everything is temporary: emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it.

But then, isn't Permanent Commission, permanent?

30 April 2024

Redistribution of days

Friends, enemies and frenemies:

Today is the last day of April. Grab the day by both your hands. Next year you may not get 30th April at all. I'm told that the Calendar committee of the United Nations is going to redistribute the days of the months from next year. This will be for the reason that folks put in equal effort in all months. 

For starters, April will be reduced by a day and that day will be added to February. So, both the months will be of equal days. Equal effort in both months for folks to earn their bread. There is one more suggestion that is floating around: remove 1st April and add to February. That is, April starts from the 2nd. That way, we would have removed All Fools Day from our Calendar and still serve the purpose of redistribution of days.

28 April 2024

The Z axis

The picture below was taken by my friend Rakesh Vohra a few days ago, during Australia's autumn. The picture has been reproduced here with his permission. It is a remarkable picture composition. The sky has this Z axis written all over it. There is even an arrow pointer to the right of the Zed (Zee, if you are an American) axis name, showing the positive side of the Z axis. The earth below is the x,y plane, with many coordinate points in the form of bonsai trees. The remarkable thing is the unsaid things: the heart, and the head therein.

The earth is the first and second,
Sky is the third dimension,
The sky is the z axis,
Earth's is the x and y
The earth holds the heart in place,
And the sky holds the head high.

22 April 2024

Focus on your heart throbs


Focus on your heart throbs,

And you will know

When your love is near,

And, who is dear.

19 April 2024

Ink is ephemeral, voting ink is not

The lady is requesting for a bottle of the ink in a polling booth to apply to her hair

Because the dye that is available in the market does not last even for a month whereas this ink will last for nearly 4 months! 

17 April 2024

I've kept faith


I've kept faith:

In country, Guru, and God.

And it has worked.

12 April 2024

How the leap year saved the world


If 2024 were not a leap year, today (12 April 2024) would be Friday, the 13th. Rest, all of us are wise enough to understand the implications. Of course, some are wise, some are otherwise. 

08 April 2024

Another Chance


I was too hurried to touch you

When I roamed the Milky Way, my stars,

I was too worried and didn't caress you,

When I sped past you, marigold fields,

I scampered and scurried, before your drops

Could drench me with love, my first rains,

And, I was too drenched to ask for more,

When you loved me just a little,.

Will you give me another chance?

06 April 2024

Modern hieroglyphics


Are we going back to hieroglyphics? Not exactly hieroglyphics, but more like picture writing. Because hieroglyphics are about phonemes, or sounds: just like the sound of the word 'water' will give you the picture of 'water' in your mind. In social media posts, we are using what we call emoticons. In India, there is an unregulated interpretation of emoticons. I've read that in one occasion in Canada, an emoticon was interpreted by a judge as acquiescing to a business agreement, and a respondent had to pay damages for infringement of a purported business deal as the respondent had posted an emoticon (showing thumbs up) in response to a proposed business plan.

But emoticons can be interpreted differently in different cultures. A 'thumbs up' 👍would be agreement in one culture, and 'angutha dikhaana' in another. Now, 'angutha dikhaana' in Hindi is an idiom that means mocking someone. Similarly, the emoticon of owl would be to show wisdom in one culture, and 'Ullu' in another. 'Ullu' in Hindi is owl, but is also idiomatically used to describe a fool.

Another thing we find today in social media posts - and lately in formal writing - is emphasis given to a sentence by repeating the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. For example, if you want to shout out how important your question is just print a dozen question marks after your sentence. If you want to show how important or profound your sentence is just add a few exclamation marks after your sentence. In any case, interrobang (!?) is being used like loose change in social media posts these days. And, we also have repetition of a vowel purportedly for emphasis: for example, loooong for very long, etc.

Many social media headings are full of hieroglyphics (read emoticons): some with flowers, followed by bouquets, followed by hearts, followed by what we call smileys. At least, I'm unable to decipher the meaning of such headings.

How will the future generations read such hieroglyphics? Perhaps they will take help of the Sumerians or the millennial generations' limited vocabulary.

28 March 2024

Too much love


Never enough love

To fill my heart,

So much space

Is there still.

It's my heart's wont

To ask for more.

Heart won't burst

With too much love,

Heart won't hurt

With too much love,

There is no such thing,

As too much love.

27 March 2024

फिर प्रलय क्यों आया?


फिर प्रलय क्यों आया?

अभी, अभी तो स्पंदन का सृजन  हुआ,

अभी भी आंख से  मोती

दूर तक बिखेरे हुए हैं,

अभी भी ह्रदय लहू लुहान है।

फिर प्रलय क्यों आया?

Why did apocalypse visit again?

Only now the heart beat has birthed,

As yet the pearls from the eyes

Are still scattered far,

The heart is still bloodied,

Why did apocalypse visit again?

24 March 2024

The core wish


Like all wish,

My wish is a star,

But my wish keeps expanding,

Has become a supernova.

Gyanis say, it will explode

And become a dwarf,

With only the core wish


Will it be too late

To wish for lifetimes of you,

The core wish?

PS: Is thinking about a wish, wishful thinking? Just asking.

23 March 2024

Sound of fire


Sound of music

Is a sound of fire,

Sound of music

Is a funeral pyre.

Sometime it's the Supernova


Sometime it is the Picnic


20 March 2024

Orient is my world

Today, I found

My East,

At Sunset, I'll find

My West.

Now, oriented with my world.

Orient is my world.

Happy Vernal Equinox

19 March 2024

I'm searching for Him too


Last I wrote a letter

To the sky,

It was return undelivered:

'Addressee not present',

The note said.

I asked a sage

If God had moved house.

'I don't know,' she said.

'I'm searching for Him too.'

16 March 2024

The aisle


Between you and me

There is that aisle,

There is that path

To nowhere,

Will I crossover?

Will you crossover?

And, waiting for one of us

To blink,

The flight 

Would have landed.

12 March 2024

Brick by brick

You built me with love,

Brick by brick,

And our home,

Brick by brick,

And, you are here,

You are there,



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