06 March 2025

Long time since we met at the fence


We have drifted apart
Like continental plates.
It's been a long time
Since we met,
Even at the fence.

Tall grass has since grown
At the fence.

But some flowers
Are blooming now
At the fence,
Did you visit the fence lately?
Our meeting place
Does smell of you.
And the dewdrops on the grass?
They are so much like
Your tear drops.

02 March 2025

Decoding the ancient Indus Valley script


I received this link today from a friend with a teaser whether anyone could crack the code of ancient Indus Valley script:


I asked chatgpt if Google Willow be able to crack the code, or will chatgpt itself be able to crack the code. Google Willow promises to solve ten septillion year problem in 5 minutes. Still, chatgpt says neither of them can crack the code. It is an interesting conversation that I had with chatgpt. Please go through it. Will be worth your while.


*Start from the statement: There is a a million dollar award waiting for anyone who can crack the code of ancient Indus valley script.

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