Some mobilephones
Have gone silent
Since last Holi.
Captain Elkay's had gone silent,
Now his dear wife's has gone too.
Captain Elkay
Taught me the ropes
When I joined the Army,
Bucked me up
When I sat in a lonely planet
Called picquet Khajoor.
This Holi there shall be
One less wish coming my way
On my mobilephone -
And one less wish
Is one less too many.
*Captain L K Singh(Elkay) was my senior subaltern in 19 MADRAS. He was one of the finest.
The harsh reality.
..For you n me, this will gather momentum.. and then we ourselves provide it the momentum..
This will gather momentum.
... Then one day, we will provide it the momentum..
Yes, many a mobile phone of people you know are going silent every year, every Holi/ many a festival .. one day our own will go silent too .. inevitable
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