09 March 2025

Some mobilephones have gone silent


Some mobilephones

Have gone silent

Since last Holi.

Captain Elkay's had gone silent,

Now his dear wife's has gone too.

Captain Elkay

Taught me the ropes

When I joined the Army,

Bucked me up

When I sat in a lonely planet

Called picquet Khajoor.

This Holi there shall be

One less wish coming my way

On my mobilephone -

And one less wish

Is one less too many.

*Captain L K Singh(Elkay) was my senior subaltern in 19 MADRAS. He was one of the finest.


Sanjay Aggy said...

The harsh reality.
..For you n me, this will gather momentum.. and then we ourselves provide it the momentum..

Sanjay Aggy said...

This will gather momentum.
... Then one day, we will provide it the momentum..

Anonymous said...

Yes, many a mobile phone of people you know are going silent every year, every Holi/ many a festival .. one day our own will go silent too .. inevitable

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