06 March 2022

Let's fall in love again

 Let's meet under the rainbow,

Let's fall in love again.

Let's meet at the middle of the

zebra crossing,

Unmindful of the colour 

of the traffic light.

Let's fall in love again.

Let's meet on the little bridge

Over the brook,

Let's fall in love again.

Many hurt, many pain

Have flown beneath the bridge.

Let the hurt and the pain

Meet the sea and dissolve.

Let's begin again,

Let's fall in love again.


Rajeev Sharma said...


Major Bee said...

Let us meet at NDA Ashoka Pillar & cycle up to Peacock Bay

Downhill back to the Cadets Mess for a Sumptuous meal

To the Hut of Remembrance, Equistrance Line

Pick up a horse or mare &

Ride away to Rape Hill & then on to Sunset Point..

Priyadarshini said...

It's never too late to start fresh, It's never too late to start again.

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