29 August 2024

No jokers in our deal


These cards that God dealt

Seem of winter.

But aren't we still in autumn yet?

Players do heed the sign of times:

There are no Aces in our deal,

There are no jokers in our deal,

That we might kill the mighty

In the deck.

PS: The context is that the 52 cards in a deck supposedly represent the 52 weeks of a year. And, 13 cards in a hand, represent a season. Joker in a hand can take the place of any card in a hand as per convenience of the hand owner.

23 August 2024

Moral hazard


A friend sent this photo of a newspaper cutting and  added a hope that may this insurance cover be implemented quickly.
This cover reminds me of the neologism, 'intaxication'. This new word refers to your sense of high when you get a refund from tax authorities, till it sinks into you that the money was yours in the first place.
In this insurance cover proposal, you are being asked to pay a premium on the money that is yours in the first place. So essentially you are rewarding the bank with a premium amount for the bank's own delinquency. It is the bank which should be covering itself with an insurance so that it is able to pay out its customers in the case where it goes kaput. 

Do you find the title of this post curious? I do too. The post twice mentions, 'moral hazard'. What is 'moral hazard'? Can morality ever be a hazard? It sounds like how some folks call lying as 'misspoke'. 

Ran out of breath


He held his breath

When he saw the stars,

And he held his breath,

When his saw the moon,

And he held his breath,

When he saw her come,

Till he ran out of breath.

22 August 2024

Sixty two parts in a thousand


They weigh all things with money.

(No wonder, the units

of money and weight

are the same.)

Yet, even a five Pound coin,

Weighs merely sixty two parts

In a thousand,

Of a pound weight.

18 August 2024

Six by six to dream


Don't need my glasses

When I sleep.

My eyes are six by six

To dream.

14 August 2024

Teachers and vectors

I opened a book the other day, and I found this preamble: 

There are some folks yet out there who value teachers.
Not all vectors carry germs.

13 August 2024

Non-persistence of Vision


Like a still frame

From a movie:

Where a bullet

Is stopped inches

From its target,

Where raindrops

Are caught in the air,

Where lovers are stopped

Only a feet away

From embrace,

Belief has been suspended.

Gyanis say:

This is artificial intelligence,

Others say:

This is non-persistence

Of Vision.

*gyanis: the learned

04 August 2024

Lonely songs


Lonely songs

Of the mist

Over hills and vales,

Lonely songs

Of the tryst

Of lovers and friends,

Lonely songs

Of the whist,

At the waiting harbour;

Then the ache rises,

And the voice quivers,

And the singer chokes.

01 August 2024

Crack in the earth


There was a crack in the sky,

The zone was the 'O' Zone,

It was then,

Filled up with smoke.

There was a crack in the earth,

The zone was God's country,

It was filled up with mudslide,

'Twas earth's heart stroke.

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