29 January 2024

Taking Drill

Someone expressed their feelings in this beautiful post.

I couldn't help but feel that a military cadet takes drill (and Extra Drill punishment) in the drill square to pass their Drill Square  Test and earn a lanyard.

25 January 2024

Long live the Republic

O full moon of the Eve:

When moonlight melts

From you tonight 

On my country,

Be partial to the

Lonely, dark bunkers

There yonder.

Drench the bunkers,

With sparkling light.

O rising sun

Of the Republic Day:

Be partial to the

Freezing heights yonder,

Give those that cling

To difficult ledges,

And ice-walls

Warmth and hope,

Give them a fistful of you.

Long live the Republic! 



Till recently I didn't know that my reusable table calendar had an option for the day of the week as HOLIDAY.

After I discovered this, as a retired person, it has become so easy for me to change the dates. I always keep the HOLIDAY option on, whatever the day of the week. And, the good thing is that this really works.

24 January 2024

Love dilates like Time


Love dilates like Time

When you go away

To another star,

To another Universe.

Love, like the speed of light,

Is the same in all the frames,

I'll age a bit when you return,

Will my Love age too?

20 January 2024



What is common among a good dosa batter and a good cricket batter?

Both rise to the occasion.

16 January 2024



Recently, when the 2nd Test between SA and India was going on, the Indian wickets were falling like skittles. It was just W0W!

That's how the ticker below was also showing: W0W.

W0W, or, Wicket No-Run Wicket.

When did the story start?


When did the story start?

When was the first star born?

When was the first wish born?

There is a whole galaxy now,

There is a whole universe now,

The wish is now

Bigger than the wisher,

The dream is now

Bigger than the dreamer.

15 January 2024

Formula for hard work


The formula for hard work is mgh.

The formula for indifferent work is also mgh.

You know where I'm coming from!

11 January 2024

Into your Ark


Can you hear me

Above the noise?

Can you hear me still

When I have no voice?

Can you see me 

When it is pitch dark?

Then, take me in,

Into your Ark.

Kalendar kwiz: Implementation

One way to solve this would be:

There are a total of 12 faces from 2 cubes.

Since, we require 11 and 22 as dates, we need both 1 and 2 in either cubes. Once 1 and 2 are  imprinted on both the cubes, we are left with 12 - 4 = 8 faces to write the remaining digits. 

Let's start with 0, then. If we imprint 0 on one of the blank faces of the left cube, we need to have 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on the right cube to have dates 01, 02, 03, 04....09. But, 3 to 9 need another 7 faces. But we have only 4 faces left(after imprinting 1 and 2 on the right cube). So, we need to imprint 0 on both the cubes. This leaves us with total 6 faces: 0,1,2 digits having been already imprinted on each of the cubes.

Now, we have remaining 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 numbers left to write on the cube faces to be enable us to display all possible dates. But these are seven digits as  opposed to total six remaining faces. 

Now, we do a sleight of hand. We use 6 and 9 interchangeably by rotating the cube 180 degrees on the horizontal axis, whenever required.

Then, we have the following digits imprinted on the cubes to cater for all possible dates:

Cube one: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Cube two: 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8

With this configuration all dates (from 01 to 31) can be displayed. We have specifically named the cubes Cube 1 and Cube 2, (and not Left Cube and Right Cube) because they can interchange their positions from left to right. For example, when the zero of Cube two is required on the left, Cube 2 is placed on the left and Cube 1 on the right.

Trivia: At eleven past one today, we have in the Hour Minute Month Day format: 1:11::11:1.

10 January 2024

Kalendar Kwiz


On the right is my reusable table calendar. On top is the date; in the middle is the day; at the bottom is the month.
The digits that depict the date are imprinted on two identical wooden cubes on top. Each face of each of the cubes has a number imprinted. Here is the question:

What are the digits imprinted on each of the six faces of the cubes so that all possible dates can be displayed?

08 January 2024

Love, pray, hate, and envy: how they fare between 'I' and 'you'

I was curious about how the frequency of the phrases 'I love you', 'I hate you', 'I envy you', and 'I pray you' were used in the books and other English material. And, how one phrase fared against the other. This was made easy through Google's Ngram app. The data was from year 1800 to the year 2019. There were some startling, if counter intuitive revelations:

(a) 'I pray you' was way above 'I love you', 'I hate you', 'I envy you' in 1800.

(b) After a few oscillations, in 1845, 'I pray you' started going down; in the same year 'I love you' started going up. The other phrases more or less remained unaltered.

(c) In 1890, 'I love you' and 'I pray you' crossed each other. 'I pray you' would never surpass 'I love you' after that. All other phrases remained unaltered.

(d) In 1975, 'I love you' started accelerating. Other phrases remained almost at the same level.

(e) From 1987, 'I love you' kept moving up. All other phrases reached their nadir.

(f) From 1995, 'I love you' moved North exponentially. 'I hate you' and 'I pray you' also started moving up slowly. 'I envy you' remained at the same level.

(g) At 2016, 'I love you' peaked at 0.001353%. After which it started dropping rapidly.

(h) During 2019, 'I love you' had dropped to 0.0012983%. Distant second was 'I pray you' which outperformed 'I hate you', albeit, only by a bit.

03 January 2024

And, Wednesday yearnings

When I find my words,

Will be only talk about you,

When I find my path,

Will be only walk towards you. 

Wednesday prayer

When I find my words,

Will be only talk about You,

When I find my path,

Will be only walk towards You. 

02 January 2024

Where do all the calendars go?


After the New Year's party,

Where do all the calendars go?

Some yearly diaries still remain,

Still, where do calendars go?

These days there aren't many

That are hung on walls,

Or fill up unfilled places,

In rooms and halls,

Back then, after the New Year's,

We'd cover handed down books,

And the frayed covers,

Would get new, pleasing looks

These days some friends

Ask me to block my calendar,

For their daughter's marriage,

Or, to go to places Down Under,

But how can one block a calendar?

How can one block flowing Time, I ask,

There is no such thing as Time, I know,

Age and Time are just human mask.

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