02 January 2024

Where do all the calendars go?


After the New Year's party,

Where do all the calendars go?

Some yearly diaries still remain,

Still, where do calendars go?

These days there aren't many

That are hung on walls,

Or fill up unfilled places,

In rooms and halls,

Back then, after the New Year's,

We'd cover handed down books,

And the frayed covers,

Would get new, pleasing looks

These days some friends

Ask me to block my calendar,

For their daughter's marriage,

Or, to go to places Down Under,

But how can one block a calendar?

How can one block flowing Time, I ask,

There is no such thing as Time, I know,

Age and Time are just human mask.


Anonymous said...

Save them...in the Attic...see them after 10 years...

Anonymous said...

Time and Tide wait for nobody .. so no blocking any calendar .. like all things normal, going out of vogue , sadly , calendars too are on their way out

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