21 September 2024

This city is besotted

Love is in the air,

And it is contagious,

This city is besotted. 

19 September 2024

Data in the Cloud


Data in the Cloud:

What is written in Hindi in the image means: Have submitted everything to you to keep. Now, it is up to you.

14 September 2024

A time will come soon


A time will come soon

When I'll walk up 

The steps of the fluffy clouds

And fly off to the stars,

A time will come soon

When I'll do a pull up

On a flying carpet,

And fly off to the stars.

And leave this turning world behind.

13 September 2024

Let's wait till spring to die


Let's wait till spring to die,

It's too early to die in autumn,

Let's fight the cold of winter

With fire - and so live on,

And, when we're totally emaciated

when spring arrives, let's die,

That others bloom in spring again.

09 September 2024

His identical twin


What does the sparrow see

In the rearview mirror?

Is it the life he lived so far?

Or is it his identical twin?

07 September 2024

Breath of you


I found the roof of the sky,

I found the ocean floor,

And in all the spaces in between,

I found a breath of you.

05 September 2024

Honour our Teachers because: विद्यां ददाति विनयं


Just as Mr is for Mister,

And Dr is for Doctor,

Let's have,

Tr for our teachers.

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