20 September 2022

Let's go online


I have mooted the idea that the Supreme Court (indeed, all courts), the Parliament, the Ministries, should go online. 

Whether a litigant is in Port Blair or Rann of Kutch or Walong or Sopore or Delhi or wherever, she will be equidistant to the Supreme Court. There is no great advantage to the litigants for the Supreme Court to be situated in Delhi. 

Whether a constituency of a H'ble Member is in Srinagar or Palaghat or Ukhrul or Diu, it would make no difference in terms of travel to the seat of democracy, if the Parliament goes online. The H'ble Member will be able to be in her constituency for her entire tenure. Indeed, there will be no rushing to the Well of the House, no filibustering, no sloganeering. Everyone will speak in her time, else the H'ble Speaker (read, the host of the online meeting) can just mute the mic of the errant Member.

Similarly, Ministries can just go on line. When required, the boss and subordinate can have online meetings: no need for elaborate buildings, support staff, and the rest of the retinue. It gives no advantage to the citizens of India, if the Ministries are situated in Delhi. In any case, all support to the citizens have gone online in the nic.gov.in domain. 

Let's go online.

1 comment:

Vinod said...

Super idea Ashish. Specially, all the Courts. Physical conduct of all these is a big drain on all aspects - time, money and efficiency.

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