26 March 2023


I am using 'they' and 'their', 'themself' in place of 's/he', 'his', 'her', or, 'himself/herself' as per the new diktat of the English language.

I connected with an old friend after many years. They were ebullient and happy. Their life had been good. Blessed they were too: accomplished themself, spouse, and children. A small turmoil in their life had happened, if one can call the particular circumstance that: the crab (read, cancer) had gotten into their body, a type of affliction that happened one in a million. And happenstance, it happened to them.

They were told to have radiation therapy done in the United States. 

Now, that was pure shock! Not only did it involve bagful of dollars, as far as they were concerned this was an alien land, with no friends or foes. 

But if you have to go, you have to go.

Now the divine part:

When my friend reached USA for treatment, they found that angels were all around them. Some long lost friend from Philadelphia would visit them, sometimes their children's friends would take them out meals, sometimes the doctors and nurses would take special care. It was a bagful of miracles.

When my friend reflected about their circumstance, their divinity took over. My friend said to themself: one in a million means that now that I have the crab, the other million minus one, are very less likely to get it, in other words, they are saved. I can afford the cost of radiation therapy in the USA, I am surrounded by angels. Not everyone would be. Perhaps that's the reason why I got the affliction in the first place.

Isn't that a truly divine thought? 

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