30 April 2024

Redistribution of days

Friends, enemies and frenemies:

Today is the last day of April. Grab the day by both your hands. Next year you may not get 30th April at all. I'm told that the Calendar committee of the United Nations is going to redistribute the days of the months from next year. This will be for the reason that folks put in equal effort in all months. 

For starters, April will be reduced by a day and that day will be added to February. So, both the months will be of equal days. Equal effort in both months for folks to earn their bread. There is one more suggestion that is floating around: remove 1st April and add to February. That is, April starts from the 2nd. That way, we would have removed All Fools Day from our Calendar and still serve the purpose of redistribution of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

April...oh yes...dream like...floating...

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