11 April 2022



No sheep is a polyglot,

Because all sheep have the same bleat,

No sheep has an English bleat,

Or, a Hindi bleat,

Or, a Tamil bleat,

Or, an Assamese bleat.

No horse has an English neigh,

Or, a Hindi neigh,

Or, a Tamil neigh,

Or, an Assamese neigh,

Would it be good if humans had the same language?

I wonder!

No misinterpretations,

(Is the speech ,

a hate speech,

Or, an endearing speech?)

No paras ever lost in translation,

Signboards in just one language,

Passports in one language.

The thought leaves me speechless.

Humans without speech?

That is another thought.

1 comment:

Priyadarshini said...

If everyone spoke the same language, communication could have been a lot easier but independent thoughts will always exist . Moreover , same language would reduce our creative scope and innovativeness.

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